作者:Jonah Grinkewitz

bet8体育娱乐入口 President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D., announced plans for a research partnership with the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) and an expanded 巴里艺术博物馆 during his second State of the University address on Nov. 在查特威体育馆.

ODU and JLab have officially established the Joint Institute on Advanced Computing for Environmental Studies (ACES), 他说.

这是在实验室 最近选择 to lead the Department of Energy (DOE)’s $300 million High Performance Data Facility Hub.

President Hemphill said the partnership with ODU is JLab’s first joint institute with an academic institution and the only DOE joint institute among Virginia public universities.

“As the first of its kind in Virginia, we have formed the interdisciplinary power to study the complex systems that underpin health and environmental concerns in Hampton Roads,亨普希尔总统说.

The president also announced the planned expansion of the University’s 巴里艺术博物馆. Thanks to a leading gift from the Leah and Richard Waitzer Foundation, the museum will double its current gallery space with a new three-story addition. The “Waitzer Wing” will include a multiuse event space, 社区画廊, 一个教育实验室等等.

“The Waitzer Wing will provide new possibilities and limitless opportunities for the 巴里艺术博物馆, 我们的机构和我们的地区,亨普希尔总统说.

在进一步的更新中, President Hemphill said that the University has made significant progress on the Eastern Virginia Medical School integration which is scheduled to happen July 1, 2024.

“As a result of dedicated funding and expanded support from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Sentara 健康, we are poised to make a profound impact on the future of our region and its people!亨普希尔总统说.

President Hemphill also announced the creation of Discover Your Dominion, a new program aimed at increasing student retention that will “help students understand the foundational principles of financial literacy and enhanced engagement and will foster a sense of belonging on campus.” The initiative recently received nearly $1 million in funding from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

在人工智能方面, President Hemphill 分享d that ODU’s Division of Digital 学习 has partnered with ODU’s School of Data Science and School of 网络安全 to develop two of the University’s first AI certificates which will be available starting in fall 2024.

Among other initiatives highlighted from the past year were the creation of the 君主实习和合作办公室 – which supports the University’s goal of having every graduating student complete an internship starting in 2027 – and the TCC-ODU君主准备程序, which creates a pathway for a select group of students from Tidewater 社区 College to ODU.


  • Announced a partnership with the National Institute for Student Success (NISS) at Georgia State University to coach campus partners on creating more equitable enrollment, 留校和毕业情况.
  • 祝贺伊夫特哈鲁丁汗, ODU professor of electrical and computer engineering, on being named an Outstanding 教师 Awards winner by SCHEV.
  • Celebrated ODU athletic teams for tying for the second most number of championships in the University’s first year in the Sun Belt Conference and ODU student athletes for ranking ninth among all NCAA Division I schools in community service hours.
  • Praised the ODU Police Department for their dedication to serving and protecting the Monarch community and 因为在其中 唯一的两个.约占4%的2%,000 university police agencies to secure accreditation through the Commission on 认证 for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). 
  • 我认出了妮娜·布朗, ODU professor of counseling and human services and Eminent Scholar, for her 55 years of service to the University.
  • 詹妮弗·伯黛特鼓掌, ODU chemistry and biochemistry double major, for being the University’s first undergraduate student to be selected as a Barry Goldwater scholar.
  • Showed appreciation for the nearly 700 ODU employees who participated in the University’s inaugural Budget Summit.
  • Reported that ODU will adopt Salesforce as its University-wide customer relationship management (CRM) starting in 2024.
  • Acknowledged the University Communications and Digital 学习 leadership and teams for their work telling ODU’s story and rebranding ODU全球.
